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ARP 7th Edition – Talents Exchange

The Centro Luigi Di Sarro’s international residency program, realized with the contribution of the MAECI, is aimed at young U30 artists. Cape Town, Granada, and Rome are the Talents Exchange stages, between November and December 2019.

ARP 7th Edition – Talents Exchange is realized with a contribution of MAECI – Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and of Media Aid Onlus, with the partnership of Suburbia Contemporary, Granada (Spain), and  Satellite Project SpaceCape Town (South Africa).

The 7th Edition of the ARP-Art Residency Project will start in Cape Town in November. The residency program for young artists under 30 is conceived and promoted by the Centro Luigi Di Sarro, through an innovative formula that involves several countries.

Talents exchange is an artistic adventure of experimentation and intercultural dialogue that will see a group of 6 artists traveling together first to Cape Town, then to Granada, and finally to Rome, for almost 2 months.

The program will allow the group of artists, selected through a competition and by a jury of experts, to undertake a training trip between the North and South of the world. The course, consisting of 3 periods of residency in South Africa, Spain, and Italy, ideally combines the Mediterranean with Sub-Saharan Africa and acts as a bridge of knowledge between Europe and South Africa, a leading country on the continent for cultural and artistic growth. The winners will have the opportunity to carry out a research project and discuss with the group to set up local events on the way and a final exhibition in Rome in December.

The winning projects of ARP 7Edition range in the different fields of the figurative arts and investigate the most contemporary themes, all oriented to the best of knowledge.

Over 50 contacts and 38 valid applications came to the selection of the jury composed of: Jake Aikman, Satellite, Cape Town; Alessandra Atti Di Sarro, Centro Luigi Di Sarro; Khanya Mashabela, Art critic, Cape Town; Marisa Mancilla, Facultad de Bellas Artes UGR, Universidad de Granada; Francesco Ozzola, Suburbia, Granada; Carlotta Sylos Calò, University of Tor Vergata, Rome.

Call and Application

ARP-Art Residency Project 7th Edition is designed and promoted by Centro di Documentazione della Ricerca Artistica Contemporanea Luigi Di Sarro, Rome, Italy and aimed at young visual artists.
ARP 7th Edition is realized with a contribution of MAECI – Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and of Media Aid Onlus, with the partnership of Suburbia Contemporary, Granada (Spain), and  Satellite Project SpaceCape Town (South Africa).

This call is an opportunity to encourage artistic production by emerging artists in the countries involved, Italy, Spain, and South Africa. The call is open to young artists who are under 30 years old on the date of publication of the announcement. The applicants must be interested in sharing experiences and be available to participate in all 3 different periods of residencies from November 2019 to April 2020.

The project offers:

residency in Cape Town South Africa
residency in Granada Spain
residency in Rome Italy
(IMPORTANT: The organization will provide air tickets and accommodation, not food and personal expenses. Accommodation will be in multiple rooms.)

The 6 winners (2 artists from Italy, 2 from Spain, and 2 from South Africa) will travel together and must be ready to interact with the group and participate in the project activities. The selected artists have to declare their intention to make a research project during the residencies and be ready to show the results at the conclusion of each residency period and a final exhibition will be organized at Centro Luigi Di Sarro in Rome.

The entries will be evaluated by a jury of experts:

  • Jake Aikman, Satellite, Cape Town
  • Alessandra Atti Di Sarro, Centro Luigi Di Sarro, Rome
  • Khanya Mashabela, Art critic, Cape Town
  • Marisa Mancilla, Facultad de Bellas Artes, Universidad de Granada
  • Francesco Ozzola, Suburbia, Granada
  • Carlotta Sylos Calò, Università degli Studi di Tor Vergata, Roma

The applicants shall send their entries including the followings (please EU participants will send also the English translation of their materials):

• Motivational letter and research proposal with a declaration of acceptance of availability period of participation NOV 2019-April 2020 subject to penalty (in PDF);
• Artist’s portfolio (in PDF);

• Artist’s curriculum vitae (in WORD)
• Copy of valid passport (not expiring during 2020);

Send your entry by email before 10 August 2019, with object ARP 7ED CALL, to: