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Satellite, Cape Town

Satellites, a group exhibition curated by Alexandra Karakashian and Khanya Mashabela, is a playful exploration of the connotations of the word ‘satellite’, both figurative and metaphorical. Engaging in a loose game of word association, the presentation engages with the aesthetic, relational, sociopolitical, and fictive connections made by the exhibiting artists. Are satellites alienated forms that observe longingly from outside? Are they a symbol of sinister surveillance? How do they move, how are they shaped, what are they made of? The exhibition is an experimentation, an opportunity to engage with artists we admire in a new, as yet undefined, space.

Curated by Khanya Mashabela and Alexandra Karakashian

Exhibiting Artists:
Isabel Fuentes
Thuli and Asher Gamedze
Jared Ginsburg
Khanya Mashabela
Mitchell Gilbert Messina
Mmabatho Grace Mokalapa
Alexandra Karakashian
Bonolo Kavula
Max Thesen Law
Kyu Sang Lee
Jaime Poblete
Brett Seiler

Mason’s Press. 5 Ravenscraig Rd, Woodstock – Cape Town