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Loop Festival – Barcelona

Gianluca Iadema 

9.11 – 26.11.2023
Loop Festival Barcelona


Un_i[n]verso is a multifaceted exploration of space, perception, and the interplay between tangible and digital forms. Through an immersive audiovisual sculpture, Gianluca Iadema invites viewers to engage with a sensory experience that blurs the boundaries between reality and abstraction.

The exhibition unfolds as a dynamic journey, oscillating between moments of familiarity and estrangement. From the tangible presence of rough copper skeletons to the ethereal landscapes projected on panels, each element contributes to a narrative of exploration and discovery.

One of the exhibition’s key themes is the exploration of matter, evident in the intricate interplay between physical structures and digital imagery. Viewers are invited to contemplate the vastness of dreamlike macro-environments while also delving into the intricacies of digital architectures rendered with precision.

Central to the experience is the interdependence of elements; from lighting and shadows to sound and visuals, every component works in harmony to create an immersive environment. The synthesis of sound directly from digital imagery adds layers of complexity, blurring the lines between auditory and visual stimuli.

Throughout Un_i[n]verso, there is a delicate balance between chaos and order. The soundscape and visuals alternate between moments of discordance and underlying structure, challenging viewers to navigate the tension between the two.

Overall, Un_i[n]verso is a captivating exploration of perception and immersion, inviting viewers to journey through a sensory universe where the boundaries between the physical and the digital dissolve.